Monday, 17 January 2011


Words can't describe so I tried with photos instead...

Monday, 6 December 2010


These are zodiac signs I have designed as part of a project. The style is very simplistic as it enables every single sign to stand out on both bigger and smaller scales, I've chosen a colour triangle consisting of white, red and black as a background tone as I like to work with these colours because their boldness makes them very effective.

hand drawn, photoshop.

Sunday, 5 December 2010


This is a poster I'm currently working on as part of a project to promote the RIO DE JANEIRO CARNIVAL. The style I opted for is very simple; I used bright colours as it is typical of carnival and costumes generally.
I wanted to make this poster reflect directly to the city of Rio de Janeiro and its carnival traditions. I achieved this by placing two samba dancers with the city's main attraction The Redemption Christ statue as a backdrop which created some perspective and made the composition of the piece more interesting.

Hand drawn, photoshop.

Thursday, 2 December 2010

That Autumn Feeling - Fashion phography

This is a fashion shoot I did at the beginning of autumn for a magazine. I wanted to incorporate the different elements of the season by shooting in the woods. I believe this was achieved by capturing the true essence of autumn which is represented by the ground covered in dead dried up leaves. I added a soft even touch by shooting in black and white.

Digital photography, photoshop. 

'She won't give me a break' illustration - Sunday Express newspaper

This is a piece I did for the Sunday Express newspaper which depicts a man being constantly pestered by his wife who constantly bosses him around. I wanted to use quite a simplistic abstract touch and a small range of colours which would work better in a reasonably small scale and still be able to convey the message.

Hand drawn, collage, photoshop.


My photo
A windy place called London, United Kingdom
Thank you for taking the time to look through my blog. Feel free to comment and follow my work. I am a visual artist available for commissioned work or interesting projects/possibilities. If you would like to contact me please do so via